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Still shot from the MoonPie 'Outta this world' video campaign | family of four talking to their virtual MoonPie roommate

Outta this world

MoonPie is one of the most iconic CPG snack brands in the US. Tombras was hired as agency of record to reinvigorate the brand and drive trial with new millennial and Gen Z users. The results have been staggering with ADWEEK naming MoonPie one of the Top 5 Breakthrough Brands of the year and Forbes calling our work the marketing success story of the year. The MoonPie Twitter account, managed by Tombras, is now widely recognized as one of the top brand accounts on social media.

“Best brand to follow on Twitter”
Fast Company
“The marketing success story of the year”
MoonPie | Outta This World campaign still, people sitting in an office
MoonPie | Outta This World campaign still, woman flying on a harness


We gave MoonPie a unique “Outta This World” brand voice: just the right combination of hilarious snark and laid-back cool.

The first gas station Super Bowl commercial

We got MoonPie in on the Super Bowl action by airing an ad… exclusively at gas station pumps across America — an “Outta This World” creative idea and media placement that caught viewers as they were picking up snacks for the big game.

...a subversive meta advertising campaign...
The Drum logo
MoonPie 'Outta This World' campaign still, MoonPie outside of the home at night


increase in sales
1 billion
media impressions
1 tweet
shut down the MoonPie factory due to consumer demand